Primary Care Networks (PCNs), were introduced in the NHS in England in July 2019 with the aim of forming groups of General Practices, with a shared network budget to develop new services in response to national policy intended to bring about better integration of health care within local communities.
We are a member practice of CHESTERFIELD AND DRONFIELD PCN which is also known as ARC PRIMARY CARE.
Our mission statement is:
Committed to high-quality collaborative person-centred care. Delivered with integrity and transparency, improving health and wellbeing.
Our Core Values are:
Compassionate; Adaptable; Resilient; Empowering.
Our PCN is made up of 7 Chesterfield GP Practices:
The Brimington Surgery; Calow & Brimington Practice; Chatsworth Road Medical Centre; Inspire Health; Newbold Surgery; TheSurgery@Wheatbridge and Whittington Moor Surgery
and 3 Dronfield Practices:
Dronfield Medical Practice; Oakhill Medical Practice and Stubley Medical Centre
We work closely together for our combined population.
ARC Primary Care employs over 70 staff in various teams:
Social Prescribing Link Workers are based in practices. Their role is to give people time, focusing on what matters to that person, identified through shared decision making or personalised care. They offer support planning by linking them with suitable services or groups. Karin is based at our practice and works with us on Mondays and Thursdays.
The Pharmacy Team also work in Practices and our Lead Pharmacist is Dhiren, supported by Pharmacy Technician Sheralyn.
The Ageing Well Team look after the Care Homes in our area, run Learning Disability Health Reviews and undertake acute home visiting Team. This team consists of Doctors, Advanced Nurse practitioners and Nurse Associates – if you request a home visit and are suitable for their service, they are likely to visit you in place of your usual GP
The Administration and Management Team provide support to all the staff and practices
ARC/PCN is based at the Dunston Innovation Centre, Dunston Road, Chesterfield. S41 8NG (Please note that this is the process of being updated.)